Saturday, October 31, 2009

The monthly meeting

Meeting up with friends in my quilting guild, Ringerike Quilteklubb, is one of the monthly highlights. Although I that day travelled from one part of the country to the other (Norway is a looong country), and attended at a Halloween party, I just had to attend our meeting as well. Boy was I tired that evening!!

Anne Quilten visited us with lots of goodies, and I could not leave without a few of them (who could?). I will show you my purchases later.

One of the ladies showed us these spoooky Halloween quilts. Awesome!!!

No, this is not me finishing my christmas quilt. Oona made this gorgeous quilt, she is a stitchery wizard!

She also made this beautiful quilt, with peacocks and butterflies.

Check out the wine house! It takes 5 litres of wine, so there is no immediate danger of running out of liquid he he.

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It is here!!

Look what the postman has brought me all the way from Hungary!! My stitching angel has totally spoilt me LOL

Look at these buttons! They are amazing, and is made by a friend of my angel.

She also sent me a gorgeous stitchery. I am going to make myself a cute little tablecloth :)

I love this little book! Just love it!! And I loooove chocolate, he he.......

My make up has got a new home from today :)

I don`t know the english word for this one, but I get a granny-feeling when I look at it. It is gorgeous! Thank you for all the lovely gifts!!! Please email me you blog adress, I haven`t been able to find it.

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege

Monday, October 19, 2009

Comforting quilts

This Saturday several of the women in my quilting guild got together making quilts for sick children in hospitals. Our guild has made many quilts this year, and the passion is still going strong.

There should be somthing here for everyone. I dare say our guild makes lovely quilts! :)

Fabrics and batting are donated by local shops, national distributors and companies, and by the quild members themselves.

PS. I am trembling with exitement! My postman delivered a notice that a parcel is waiting for me at the postoffice - it is from my stitching angel in Hungary. Iiiihhaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! I will be back as soon as I have ripped the paper off LOL

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A quilter i born

Look what my son DD finished today! This is his first stitchery, and the pillow is a christmaspresent for his grandmother (my mum). Lucky granny!!

Needless to say, he is very pleased with the result!

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Preparing for the annual christmas fair

Every year a group of women in my community put together an amazing christmas fair, a big raffle where one can win wonderful handmade products. The theme is of course christmas, but we also makes products that can be used all year around. We receive things bought in shops from people as well, and have separate raffles for the kids.

The production goes on all year, and we meet up every month in the fall. It is always nice to work together.

The money we make on this annual event is put in to the community again through many different projects, such as pedicure and trips for the elders, an annual school lunch for the children, donations and so on. A great event that brings the community together.

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege