Sunday, October 30, 2011

A long overdue finish - oh so many UFO`s

Today I finished a little Christmas table cloth I startet making a year or two ago. Such a simple project, you would think I`d manage to finish it a long time ago. I probably was led astray by another intriging project, I often do.

I fell in love with this beautiful Christmas fabric from Lecien, I wish I had bought more of it when I had the chance. I am not an accomplished free motion quilter yet, so I must find more small projects to practice on. The table is an old heirloom after my mother in law.

I just had to show you some of Mother Natures beautiful displays, the transformation from the vivid summer to fall and ultimately winter.

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege

Friday, October 28, 2011

It`s official!

The Christmas spirit "hit" me yesterday. I was starting to wonder where it was, I have never had to wait until late October to find it. Most years I start singing Christmas carols in August, but I also remember when I kept the festive spirit for a whole year. Even the kids thought that was a bit strange.

So for the rest of this year (and far out in 2012 I bet) there will be nothing but Christmas songs coming out of my little sewing room CD-player :)

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More fabrics!

I must admit that I have been going a bit "bananas" lately, but it is such a thrill when a new parcel lands in my mailbox. What is a girl going to do??? (I ought to get myself some sponsors thats what). I have received two gorgeous heaps of delicious fabrics lately, I can`t take my hands off of them lol

The lovely Ruby collection by Bonnie and Camille for Moda

And the more rustique Panier de Fleurs from French General for Moda
I have this darn exam hanging over my head, which results in very little time for sewing these days. Boy will that change on november 7th!!!

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reaching another milestone

Yesterday I did it again! This time I jogged 5 km in a womens race in Oslo called KK-mila. (KK is the name of a womens magazine). It was fun and unpretentious, and women in all ages and forms participated. I did make a tactical misjugdement though, placing myself way back in the crowd when the race started. I soon realized that I now had to pass hundreds of women who only planned to walk the distance. So I had to start zig zag around them to get ahead. The zig zag put a lot of exstra strain to my muscles, making the race a bit harder.

I ran the whole lap at 41 minutes, and are very pleased that I completed my first 5 km :) There was no medal this time, but we got a well stocked goodie bag, check what I got:

The bag and the proof of my participation - my number.

Hairspray, shampoo, toothpaste, food and a perfume sample.

Drinkingbottle, book, magazine, a make up bag, another bag for sportswear and a rain poncho.

And a nice, soft scarf.
Next Saturday I am entering another race, but I will not run the whole way. The race is 10 km, and it is too early for me to run so far. I will try to run for four minutes and walk for one minute the whole distance through.

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Tadaaa!!! It is time to announce the winners of my Celebration Give Away! I let Mr. Random pick the numbers, and the winner of Fresh Fabric Treats is:

Enjoy the book!
Britt-Helen, you have to email me your snail mail adress, and the book will be on its way soon.

The winners of the five consolations prizes are:

Leena P

All you winners must email me your snail mail adresses too. Enjoy your winnings!

For those of you who didn`t get lucky this time, I will have another give away as soon as we reach 100 followers :)

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What does Drømmequilten mean?

For those of you who read my blog and are not Scandinavian, the blogname - Drømmequilten - is most likely difficult to relate to. What does the name mean? Translated into English it means The Dream Quilt. Why did I choose that name? Like many of my ideas it came to me just as I was going to sleep. The name can represent different things; like for instance the ultimate quilt you have made or seen. Or a quilt that gives you sweet dreams when you sleep on it. Or you can dream about a beautiful quilt you want to make? For me it means that there is no limits for me how far I can go in all parts of my life, the only one making the bounderies is me.

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Happy Hexie Quilt

Today the mailman brought me a parcel with goodie scrap bags from Piece O`Cake Designs. Lots and lots of delicious bright fabrics for my hexiequilt.

I had totally forgot that I ordered them - so typical of me :). Those who know my work will see that this is quite a bit brighter than what I normally go for, but I really love these happy fabrics. And I can`t wait to make my happy hexie quilt! In fact that is what I will call the quilt - the Happy Hexie Quilt!!

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Starting on The Hexagon Quilt (another longtime project)

I love Leanne Beasleys magazine Vignette, it is always a good day when I get the magazine in my mailbox. Her patterns just makes me happy. She has visited Norway several times, but sadly I have always missed out on them all. I hope she will return some day soon, she is a great inspiration to me. Today I started on my own version of her Vignette Hexagon quilt. I know this will be one of those project that takes a long time getting finished, but that is ok. I am not in a hurry.

While my hexies multiplies they must have a good and comforting home. I bought this sweet Tilda-box for that purpose.

Yeah! My first little hexie, waiting for some company. I decided to use fabric from my scrap pile for this quilt. How big will it become? I have no idea yet.

My dear friend Lena bought this book, and I just had to have my own copy. Just check out the red polkadot chair. Wish I had one, I am a sucker for dots!

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege