Saturday, October 8, 2011


Tadaaa!!! It is time to announce the winners of my Celebration Give Away! I let Mr. Random pick the numbers, and the winner of Fresh Fabric Treats is:

Enjoy the book!
Britt-Helen, you have to email me your snail mail adress, and the book will be on its way soon.

The winners of the five consolations prizes are:

Leena P

All you winners must email me your snail mail adresses too. Enjoy your winnings!

For those of you who didn`t get lucky this time, I will have another give away as soon as we reach 100 followers :)

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege


  1. Congrats to all the lucky winners.

  2. very cool, congrats to the winners.....

  3. Gratulerer til de heldige vinnerene.

  4. WOW....snakk om å være blind!!!! Ila rett inn på bloggen din da jeg så du hadde foretatt jeg så kun navna til alle de andre...(flau)Men gjett om gleden var stor da jeg fikk melding fra deg om at jeg hadde vunnet :) Åhhh, som jeg gleder meg :) Sender mail nå :)

  5. Gratulerer så masse til alle de heldige vinnerne. Kos dere med gevinsten.
