This month it is 20 years since my quilting guild, Ringerike Quilte Klubb, was founded! We just had to throw a birthday party!!

A lot of the members came that night, for coffee and cake (I would show you a picture of the deliscious cake, but I ate it.....not the whole I mean..) raffle and shopping.
Lille Stasjon visited us, temting us with lots and lots of nice stuff. I will show you my buyings later.

Oh, so much goodies........

And more.........

Pure heaven for a quilting gal!
Naturally we had show and tell. I didn`t manage to get pictures of every quilt, (reason: distracted by cake), but some of the goodies I manage to record.

Kari Wenche (no blog) made this cute table cloth, her first project involving this technique. I believe she handquilted it as well.

My friend Bente (no blog) made this dream if a gorgeous quilt, and has handquilted it.

I was absolutely stunned when Bente showed me this wonderful quilt, made from a pattern by Leannes House. I immediately went online, and ordered the pattern for Leannes new BOM. Now I am patiently (!!) waiting for it to come to me all the way from Australia.
Have fun sewing!
Siv Hege