Sunday, May 3, 2009


I made this wallquilt after attending a course hosted by Liv Sæthervold from Oslo. Working with the fabrics made me think of spices and India, therefor the quilts name is just that, India. I have never been to the country myself, but love to buy and use the spices in my cooking. I challenged myself to go outside my comfortzone when I chosed the colours. I am a shabby chic girl and often uses light, romantic fabrics.

Have fun sewing

Siv Hege


  1. Gratulerer med vel overstått. Tallet (antall år) er ikke så viktig. Heller ikke å feire tallene. Men dele dem med venner, både årene som er gått og de som kommer er sen største glede med disse påminnelsene.
    Velkommen til Bloggland og enda flere venner.

  2. Lovely quilt, Siv Hege. The colours look really good.

  3. Det var et nyyyyydelig teppe du har laget. Likte fargene dine kjempegodt.

  4. Good name for your quilt. And my kind of colors!

  5. Your quilt is lovely-very nice colors. Hope you had a great birthday - shopping looked like it was fun.

  6. welcome to blogland............enjoy your journey..........lovely quilt.........

  7. Welcome to blogland (May Britt sent me)
    Hope you had a lovely birthday.
    Look forward to seeing more of you.

  8. Hi there, welcome to the blogging world. I'm sure you will love it. Your quilt is beautiful.
    Happy belated birthday wishes and welcome to the 40's club.
