Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Manly quilt

Tonight I finished the top for my Manly quilt. I didn`t see until now the position of the light and dark blocks! They`re in rows!! That was not intended, but I am not taking the top apart. So, I guess I just have to convince myself that the top is just as I planned it....

Although my stash of Japanese fabrics decreased a little, I still have got tons of it in my cupboard. Need to come up with a stashbusting idea!

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege


  1. >>Denne ble flott, hadde ikke du sagt noe hadde jeg ikke tenkt over plasseringen, absolutt ikke nødvendig å ta opp noe her.

  2. Syns den ble kjempe fin, jeg :o) Enig med Merethe !

  3. Sååå tøff!!! Flink du er da! Mye ferdig i sommer, klar for nye torsdags- prosjekter snart? Klem!

  4. Denne ble kjempe fin :0)
    Ha en fortsatt fin juli.
