Sunday, June 21, 2009


Today I visited one of my favourite quiltshops, Lappe Makeriet. The shop is situated in Bærums Verk, southwest of Oslo, an has just moved into new locations.

The shop is located in an charming old building, on a street with other charming old buildings. Trine and Anne Kjersti, the owners, has worked hard, doing everything themselves. The result is just amazing.

I can`t wait to join classes in this adorable room! The quilts you see hanging on the walls are BOMs.

The new shop is much more spacious than the old one. The little gentleman on your right is my youngest son, DO. He is not all that into fabrics and quilting (yet), but gladly follows me on my shophopping as he knows this often results in hot dogs and ice cream ;)

The shop entrance promise good things ahead.

Check out! An entire room just for threads and notions! Oh, I have to go back soon, very soon! I did buy some fabrics of course, and will show them to you later on.

Have fun sewing!

Siv Hege


  1. Jeg skal innom på mandags-formiddag. Gleder meg!! Du må jo vise oss stoffene nå.... vi kan da ikke vente ;o)

  2. Og jeg gleder meg til å komme dit for å se den nye butikken. Ser bare så innbydende ut :)

  3. What caught my eye was the ceiling. Love the bead board! Looks like a very nice shop. Well set up. I enjoy seeing what quilt shops are like in other countries.

  4. Jeg var også innom idag - nesten til stengetid. Vidunderlig butik og utrolig flott med Trine og Anne Kjersti som har gjort så mye. Imponerende!! Koselig reportage du har laget.

  5. Nydelig butikk. var der en tur i fjor sommer, synd det er litt langt unne, men det er jo ferietid så kansje.....


  6. Ser flott ut der, må nok ta meg en tur snart:-)

  7. Var innom i dag og det var blitt en lys og trivelig butikk. Vell verd turen. Jeg har en award til deg på bloggen min :o)

  8. Fin og luftig butikk! Må nok snart ta turen for å kikke :)

  9. What a beautiful shop. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
